Free Trial


Take us for a Test Drive...
Keep it simple with SaaS — no installation required to start.
Ingest your data or our demo data in a AWS-hosted cloud environment.
Start triaging, analyzing and visualizing our data on powerful, easy-to-understand dashboards.

Once you sign up for the trial, you’ll see how it helps you to:

  • Correlate any data at any scale.
  • Identify risky behaviors.
  • Tackle your most urgent use cases.
  • Customize for your unique risk indicators to specific population sets.
  • Collect and report program and enterprise metric.

Prefer to install Fulcrum in your own private cloud or hardware? You can try out first on our cloud with our real world demo data and, when ready, deploy internally.

Trusted by Leading Organizations Across Industries
"A simple yet powerful solution that exceeded my expectations."

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